Whether you are a Landlord seeking to let your property or a tenant
seeking to take a lease
Council Tax is means of raising revenue for local authorities, the police and so one. This historically used to be done through the rating system where the gross value, the annual rental value of the property used to be assessed. That was replaced by the poll tax which was not successful and so now we have council tax valuations where the capital value of the domestic property is assessed.
In England, the list was last done in April 1993 and so the valuation date is the 1st of April 1991.
But here in Wales, we had subsequent revaluations so the list is dated April 2005 with a valuation date of 1st April 2003.
Obviously it is easier to get comparable for valuations in 2003 than it is back in 1991 which is much more difficult.
Where properties may be newly constructed or improved then it is necessary to reassess or to value them for the first time and this is where valuation expertise is necessary. The lowest value is band A and the highest value is band G. If the council tax payer is not happy with the valuation, he can discuss that with the Valuation Office Agency who does these valuations and if afterwards he still not happy, he can go to the Valuation Tribunal. Where the property is improved and the value is increased then the charges are not imposed until the property is first sold. It is unfortunate that there have not been more regular revaluations because the relative values throughout the UK have changed much since 1991 and 2003.
bValued can:
- Act for you in checking whether the band is correct
- Prepare a proposal to alter your band
- Negotiate with the Valuation Officer to reduce your band
- Represent you at Valuation Tribunal or Land Tribunal if necessary
- Check your entitlement to relief from paying Council Tax.
Please see my video about Council Tax Valuations at
Case Study – work done by Arthur Bletchly.
The Council Tax Band of this property appeared to be over assessed. A proposal was served and the banding was reduced (also Disabled Relief was obtained for the occupier).
Please also see my video about Rating Valuations for non-domestic property at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXstMbxfB-0
The most recent rating revaluation came into effect in England and Wales on 1 April 2017, based on rateable values from 1 April 2015. Arthur no longer does non domestic rating.